
Here you can view publications generated by the EMERGE Institute and related projects, along with papers about or with measurements within Stordalen Mire, or describing methods or models used extensively by the project. Many thanks to Patrick Crill (Stockholm U.) for providing an extensive bibliography, which this list heavily leverages.

The flags below indicate papers acknowledging funding from EMERGE and related projects:

  • EMERGE Biology Integration Institute (National Science Foundation, Biology Integration Institutes Program, Award # 2022070):
  • IsoGenie Project (Genomic Science Program of the US Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research, grant #s DE-SC0004632, DE-SC0010580, and/or DE-SC0016440):
  • Archaea to Atmosphere Project (NASA Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science (IDS) program, grant # NNX17AK10G):


Herrick, C., Steele, B. G., Brentrup, J. A., Cottingham, K. L., Ducey, M. J., Lutz, D. A., Palace, M. W., Thompson, M. C., Trout‐Haney, J. V., & Weathers, K. C. (2023). lakeCoSTR: A tool to facilitate use of Landsat Collection 2 to estimate lake surface water temperatures. Ecosphere, 14(1), e4357.
McDonald, M. D., Owusu-Ansah, C., Ellenbogen, J. B., Malone, Z. D., Ricketts, M. P., Frolking, S. E., Ernakovich, J. G., Ibba, M., Bagby, S. C., & Weissman, J. L. (2023). What is microbial dormancy? Trends in Microbiology, S0966842X23002378.
Ogles, O. C. (2023, May 25). Temperature response of methane and carbon dioxide production in Arctic fen peat and comparison to seasonal rates of measured methane emission (Master’s Thesis). Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Retrieved from
Perryman, C. R., McCalley, C. K., Shorter, J. H., Perry, A. L., White, N., Dziurzynski, A., & Varner, R. K. (2023). Effect of drought and heavy precipitation on CH4 emissions and δ13C-CH4 in a northern temperate peatland. Ecosystems.
Szetela, J. (2023, August 17). Into the Mire: A floristic and ecology informed field guide of Stordalen Mire (Master’s Thesis). University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from
Trubl, G., Roux, S., Borton, M. A., Varsani, A., Li, Y.-F., Sun, C., Jang, H. B., Woodcroft, B. J., Tyson, G. W., Wrighton, K. C., Saleska, S. R., Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A., Sullivan, M. B., & Rich, V. I. (2023). Population ecology and potential biogeochemical impacts of ssDNA and dsDNA soil viruses along a permafrost thaw gradient. bioRxiv, 2023.06.13.544858.
Wehr, R., & Saleska, S. R. (2023). Territorial differential meta-evolution: An algorithm for seeking all the desirable optima of a multivariable function. Evolutionary Computation, 1–31.


Abs, E., Saleska, S., & Ferriere, R. (2022, September 20). Microbial eco-evolutionary responses amplify global soil carbon loss with climate warming. preprint, Nature Portfolio: Research Square.
Burke, S. A. (2022). EMERGE Institute Field Safety & Logistics Handbook. University of New Hampshire: Earth Systems Research Center. Retrieved from
Cory, A. B., Chanton, J. P., Spencer, R. G. M., Ogles, O. C., Rich, V. I., McCalley, C. K., IsoGenie Project Coordinators, EMERGE 2021 Field Team, & Wilson, R. M. (2022). Quantifying the inhibitory impact of soluble phenolics on anaerobic carbon mineralization in a thawing permafrost peatland. PLOS ONE, 17(2), e0252743.
Dominguez-Huerta, G., Zayed, A. A., Wainaina, J. M., Guo, J., Tian, F., Pratama, A. A., Bolduc, B., Mohssen, M., Zablocki, O., Pelletier, E., Delage, E., Alberti, A., Aury, J.-M., Carradec, Q., da Silva, C., Labadie, K., Poulain, J., Tara Oceans Coordinators, Bowler, C., Eveillard, D., Guidi, L., Karsenti, E., Kuhn, J. H., Ogata, H., Wincker, P., Culley, A., Chaffron, S., & Sullivan, M. B. (2022). Diversity and ecological footprint of Global Ocean RNA viruses. Science, 376(6598), 1202–1208.
Ernakovich, J. G., Barbato, R. A., Rich, V. I., Schädel, C., Hewitt, R. E., Doherty, S. J., Whalen, E. D., Abbott, B. W., Barta, J., Biasi, C., Chabot, C. L., Hultman, J., Knoblauch, C., Vetter, M. C. Y. L., Leewis, M., Liebner, S., Mackelprang, R., Onstott, T. C., Richter, A., Schütte, U. M. E., Siljanen, H. M. P., Taş, N., Timling, I., Vishnivetskaya, T. A., Waldrop, M. P., & Winkel, M. (2022). Microbiome assembly in thawing permafrost and its feedbacks to climate. Global Change Biology, gcb.16231.
Fahnestock, M. F. (2022, May 1). Compound, elemental, and isotopic perspectives on mercury mobilization during thaw in a discontinuous permafrost zone (Doctoral Dissertation). University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Retrieved from
Fofana, A., Anderson, D., McCalley, C. K., Hodgkins, S., Wilson, R. M., Cronin, D., Raab, N., Torabi, M., Varner, R. K., Crill, P., Saleska, S. R., Chanton, J. P., Tfaily, M. M., & Rich, V. I. (2022). Mapping substrate use across a permafrost thaw gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 175, 108809.
Holmes, M. E., Crill, P. M., Burnett, W. C., McCalley, C. K., Wilson, R. M., Frolking, S., Chang, K. ‐Y., Riley, W. J., Varner, R. K., Hodgkins, S. B., IsoGenie Project Coordinators, IsoGenie Field Team, McNichol, A. P., Saleska, S. R., Rich, V. I., & Chanton, J. P. (2022). Carbon accumulation, flux, and fate in Stordalen Mire, a permafrost peatland in transition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(1).
Kashi, N. N., Hobbie, E. A., Varner, R. K., Wymore, A. S., Ernakovich, J. G., & Giesler, R. (2022). Nutrients alter methane production and oxidation in a thawing permafrost mire. Ecosystems.
Perryman, C. R., McCalley, C. K., Ernakovich, J. G., Lamit, L. J., Shorter, J. H., Lilleskov, E., & Varner, R. K. (2022). Microtopography matters: Belowground CH4 cycling regulated by differing microbial processes in peatland hummocks and lawns. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(8), e2022JG006948.
Robison, A. L., Wollheim, W. M., Perryman, C. R., Cotter, A. R., Mackay, J. E., Varner, R. K., Clarizia, P., & Ernakovich, J. G. (2022). Dominance of diffusive methane emissions from lowland headwater streams promotes oxidation and isotopic enrichment. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 791305.
Varner, R. K., Crill, P. M., Frolking, S., McCalley, C. K., Burke, S. A., Chanton, J. P., Holmes, M. E., Isogenie Project Coordinators, Saleska, S., & Palace, M. W. (2022). Permafrost thaw driven changes in hydrology and vegetation cover increase trace gas emissions and climate forcing in Stordalen Mire from 1970 to 2014. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380(2215), 20210022.
Verbeke, B. A., Lamit, L. J., Lilleskov, E. A., Hodgkins, S. B., Basiliko, N., Kane, E. S., Andersen, R., Artz, R. R. E., Benavides, J. C., Benscoter, B. W., Borken, W., Bragazza, L., Brandt, S. M., Bräuer, S. L., Carson, M. A., Charman, D., Chen, X., Clarkson, B. R., Cobb, A. R., Convey, P., Pasquel, J. del Á., Enriquez, A. S., Griffiths, H., Grover, S. P., Harvey, C. F., Harris, L. I., Hazard, C., Hodgson, D., Hoyt, A. M., Hribljan, J., Jauhiainen, J., Juutinen, S., Knorr, K., Kolka, R. K., Könönen, M., Larmola, T., McCalley, C. K., McLaughlin, J., Moore, T. R., Mykytczuk, N., Normand, A. E., Rich, V., Roulet, N., Royles, J., Rutherford, J., Smith, D. S., Svenning, M. M., Tedersoo, L., Thu, P. Q., Trettin, C. C., Tuittila, E., Urbanová, Z., Varner, R. K., Wang, M., Wang, Z., Warren, M., Wiedermann, M. M., Williams, S., Yavitt, J. B., Yu, Z., Yu, Z., & Chanton, J. P. (2022). Latitude, elevation, and mean annual temperature predict peat organic matter chemistry at a global scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(2), e2021GB007057.
Wilson, R. M., Hough, M. A., Verbeke, B. A., Hodgkins, S. B., Chanton, J. P., Saleska, S. D., Rich, V. I., Tfaily, M. M., Tyson, G., Sullivan, M. B., Brodie, E., Riley, W. J., Woodcroft, B., McCalley, C., Dominguez, S. C., Crill, P. M., Varner, R. K., Frolking, S., & Cooper, W. T. (2022). Plant organic matter inputs exert a strong control on soil organic matter decomposition in a thawing permafrost peatland. Science of The Total Environment, 820, 152757.


Affholder, A., Guyot, F., Sauterey, B., Ferrière, R., & Mazevet, S. (2021). Bayesian analysis of Enceladus’s plume data to assess methanogenesis. Nature Astronomy, 5(8), 805–814.
Defrenne, C. E., Abs, E., Longhi Cordeiro, A., Dietterich, L., Hough, M., Jones, J. M., Kivlin, S. N., Chen, W., Cusack, D., Franco, A. L. C., Khasanova, A., Stover, D., & Romero‐Olivares, A. L. (2021). The Ecology Underground coalition: building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists. New Phytologist, 229(6), 3058–3064.
Deng, J., Frolking, S., Bajgain, R., Cornell, C. R., Wagle, P., Xiao, X., Zhou, J., Basara, J., Steiner, J., & Li, C. (2021). Improving a biogeochemical model to simulate microbial‐mediated carbon dynamics in agricultural ecosystems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(11), e2021MS002752.
Emerson, J. B., Varner, R. K., Wik, M., Parks, D. H., Neumann, R. B., Johnson, J. E., Singleton, C. M., Woodcroft, B. J., Tollerson, R., Owusu-Dommey, A., Binder, M., Freitas, N. L., Crill, P. M., Saleska, S. R., Tyson, G. W., & Rich, V. I. (2021). Diverse sediment microbiota shape methane emission temperature sensitivity in Arctic lakes. Nature Communications, 12(1), 5815.
Hough, M., McCabe, S., Vining, S. R., Pickering Pedersen, E., Wilson, R. M., Lawrence, R., Chang, K., Bohrer, G., The IsoGenie Coordinators, Riley, W. J., Crill, P. M., Varner, R. K., Blazewicz, S. J., Dorrepaal, E., Tfaily, M. M., Saleska, S. R., Rich, V. I., Frolking, S., Hodgkins, S. B., McCalley, C. K., Cooper, W. T., Chanton, J. P., Sullivan, M. B., Tyson, G. W., Brodie, E. L., Woodcroft, B. J., & Dominguez, S. (2021). Coupling plant litter quantity to a novel metric for litter quality explains C storage changes in a thawing permafrost peatland. Global Change Biology, gcb.15970.
Kuhn, M. A., Varner, R. K., Bastviken, D., Crill, P., MacIntyre, S., Turetsky, M., Walter Anthony, K., McGuire, A. D., & Olefeldt, D. (2021). BAWLD-CH4: a comprehensive dataset of methane fluxes from boreal and arctic ecosystems. Earth System Science Data, 13(11), 5151–5189.
Olefeldt, D., Hovemyr, M., Kuhn, M. A., Bastviken, D., Bohn, T. J., Connolly, J., Crill, P., Euskirchen, E. S., Finkelstein, S. A., Genet, H., Grosse, G., Harris, L. I., Heffernan, L., Helbig, M., Hugelius, G., Hutchins, R., Juutinen, S., Lara, M. J., Malhotra, A., Manies, K., McGuire, A. D., Natali, S. M., O’Donnell, J. A., Parmentier, F.-J. W., Räsänen, A., Schädel, C., Sonnentag, O., Strack, M., Tank, S. E., Treat, C., Varner, R. K., Virtanen, T., Warren, R. K., & Watts, J. D. (2021). The Boreal–Arctic Wetland and Lake Dataset (BAWLD). Earth System Science Data, 13(11), 5127–5149.
Robison, A. L., Wollheim, W. M., Turek, B., Bova, C., Snay, C., & Varner, R. K. (2021). Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of methane ebullition in lowland headwater streams and the impact on sampling design. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(12), 4063–4076.
Roux, S., Paul, B. G., Bagby, S. C., Nayfach, S., Allen, M. A., Attwood, G., Cavicchioli, R., Chistoserdova, L., Gruninger, R. J., Hallam, S. J., Hernandez, M. E., Hess, M., Liu, W.-T., McAllister, T. A., O’Malley, M. A., Peng, X., Rich, V. I., Saleska, S. R., & Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A. (2021). Ecology and molecular targets of hypermutation in the global microbiome. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3076.
Wilson, R. M., Zayed, A. A., Crossen, K. B., Woodcroft, B., Tfaily, M. M., Emerson, J., Raab, N., Hodgkins, S. B., Verbeke, B., Tyson, G., Crill, P., Saleska, S., Chanton, J. P., Rich, V. I., IsoGenie Project Coordinators, & IsoGenie Project Field Team. (2021). Functional capacities of microbial communities to carry out large scale geochemical processes are maintained during ex situ anaerobic incubation. PLOS ONE, 16(2), e0245857.
Zinke, L. A., Evans, P. N., Santos‐Medellín, C., Schroeder, A. L., Parks, D. H., Varner, R. K., Rich, V. I., Tyson, G. W., & Emerson, J. B. (2021). Evidence for non‐methanogenic metabolisms in globally distributed archaeal clades basal to the Methanomassiliicoccales. Environmental Microbiology, 23(1), 340–357.


AminiTabrizi, R., Wilson, R. M., Fudyma, J. D., Hodgkins, S. B., Heyman, H. M., Rich, V. I., Saleska, S. R., Chanton, J. P., & Tfaily, M. M. (2020). Controls on soil organic matter degradation and subsequent greenhouse gas emissions across a permafrost thaw gradient in northern Sweden. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 557961.
Bennett, K. A. (2020). Using stable isotopes to determine dominant methane production pathways of thaw ponds in a subarctic peatland (M.S.). University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Retrieved from
Bolduc, B., Hodgkins, S. B., Varner, R. K., Crill, P. M., McCalley, C. K., Chanton, J. P., Tyson, G. W., Riley, W. J., Palace, M., Duhaime, M. B., Hough, M. A., IsoGenie Project Coordinators, IsoGenie Project Team, A2A Project Team, Saleska, S. R., Sullivan, M. B., & Rich, V. I. (2020). The IsoGenie database: an interdisciplinary data management solution for ecosystems biology and environmental research. PeerJ, 8, e9467.
Boyd, J. A. (2020, May 25). Development of meta omic tools to explore microbial carbon cycling (PhD Thesis). The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Burke, S. (2020, May 1). Investigating the spatial and temporal scale variability of ebullitive flux from a subarctic thaw pond system (PhD Dissertation). University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Retrieved from
Chang, K.-Y., Riley, W. J., Crill, P. M., Grant, R. F., & Saleska, S. R. (2020). Hysteretic temperature sensitivity of wetland CH4 fluxes explained by substrate availability and microbial activity. Biogeosciences, 17(22), 5849–5860.
Cooper, W. T., Chanton, J. C., D’Andrilli, J., Hodgkins, S. B., Podgorski, D. C., Stenson, A. C., Tfaily, M. M., & Wilson, R. M. (2020). A history of molecular level analysis of natural organic matter by FTICR mass spectrometry and the paradigm shift in organic geochemistry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, mas.21663.
Deng, J., Xiao, J., Ouimette, A., Zhang, Y., Sanders‐DeMott, R., Frolking, S., & Li, C. (2020). Improving a biogeochemical model to simulate surface energy, greenhouse gas fluxes, and radiative forcing for different land use types in northeastern United States. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(8), e2019GB006520.
Emerson, J. B., Varner, R. K., Wik, M., Parks, D. H., Neumann, R. B., Johnson, J. E., Singleton, C. M., Woodcroft, B. J., Tollerson, R., Owusu-Dommey, A., Binder, M., Freitas, N. L., Crill, P. M., Saleska, S. R., Tyson, G. W., & Rich, V. I. (2020). Diverse Arctic lake sediment microbiota shape methane emission temperature sensitivity. BioRxiv, preprint, 2020.02.08.934661.
Hough, M., McClure, A., Bolduc, B., Dorrepaal, E., Saleska, S., Klepac-Ceraj, V., & Rich, V. (2020). Biotic and environmental drivers of plant microbiomes across a permafrost thaw gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 796.
Hough, M. A. (2020). Tracing the new carbon cycle from plant inputs to microbial outputs across an arctic permafrost thaw gradient (PhD Dissertation). University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from
Perryman, C. R., McCalley, C. K., Malhotra, A., Fahnestock, M. F., Kashi, N. N., Bryce, J. G., Giesler, R., & Varner, R. K. (2020). Thaw transitions and redox conditions drive methane oxidation in a permafrost peatland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(3), e2019JG005526.
Thanh Duc, N., Silverstein, S., Wik, M., Crill, P., Bastviken, D., & Varner, R. K. (2020). Technical note: Greenhouse gas flux studies: an automated online system for gas emission measurements in aquatic environments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(7), 3417–3430.
Wik, M., Thornton, B. F., Varner, R. K., McCalley, C., & Crill, P. M. (2020). Stable methane isotopologues from northern lakes suggest that ebullition is dominated by sub‐lake scale processes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(10).


Abs, E., Saleska, S. R., & Ferriere, R. (2019). Microbial evolution reshapes soil carbon feedbacks to climate change. BioRxiv, preprint, 641399.
Boyd, J. A., Jungbluth, S. P., Leu, A. O., Evans, P. N., Woodcroft, B. J., Chadwick, G. L., Orphan, V. J., Amend, J. P., Rappé, M. S., & Tyson, G. W. (2019). Divergent methyl-coenzyme M reductase genes in a deep-subseafloor Archaeoglobi. The ISME Journal, 13(5), 1269–1279.
Burke, S. A., Wik, M., Lang, A., Contosta, A. R., Palace, M., Crill, P. M., & Varner, R. K. (2019). Long term measurements of methane ebullition from thaw ponds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124.
Cavicchioli, R., Ripple, W. J., Timmis, K. N., Azam, F., Bakken, L. R., Baylis, M., Behrenfeld, M. J., Boetius, A., Boyd, P. W., Classen, A. T., Crowther, T. W., Danovaro, R., Foreman, C. M., Huisman, J., Hutchins, D. A., Jansson, J. K., Karl, D. M., Koskella, B., Mark Welch, D. B., Martiny, J. B. H., Moran, M. A., Orphan, V. J., Reay, D. S., Remais, J. V., Rich, V. I., Singh, B. K., Stein, L. Y., Stewart, F. J., Sullivan, M. B., van Oppen, M. J. H., Weaver, S. C., Webb, E. A., & Webster, N. S. (2019). Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 17(9), 569–586.
Chang, K., Riley, W. J., Brodie, E. L., McCalley, C. K., Crill, P. M., & Grant, R. F. (2019). Methane production pathway regulated proximally by substrate availability and distally by temperature in a high‐latitude mire complex. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124(10), 3057–3074.
Chang, K.-Y., Riley, W. J., Crill, P. M., Grant, R. F., Rich, V. I., & Saleska, S. R. (2019). Large carbon cycle sensitivities to climate across a permafrost thaw gradient in subarctic Sweden. The Cryosphere, 13, 647–663.
Evans, P. N., Boyd, J. A., Leu, A. O., Woodcroft, B. J., Parks, D. H., Hugenholtz, P., & Tyson, G. W. (2019). An evolving view of methane metabolism in the Archaea. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 17(4), 219–232.
Fahnestock, M. F., Bryce, J. G., McCalley, C. K., Montesdeoca, M., Bai, S., Li, Y., Driscoll, C. T., Crill, P. M., Rich, V. I., & Varner, R. K. (2019). Mercury reallocation in thawing subarctic peatlands. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 11, 33–38.
Martinez, M. A., Woodcroft, B. J., Ignacio Espinoza, J. C., Zayed, A. A., Singleton, C. M., Boyd, J. A., Li, Y.-F., Purvine, S., Maughan, H., Hodgkins, S. B., Anderson, D., Sederholm, M., Temperton, B., Bolduc, B., IsoGenie Project Coordinators, Saleska, S. R., Tyson, G. W., & Rich, V. I. (2019). Discovery and ecogenomic context of a global Caldiserica-related phylum active in thawing permafrost, Candidatus Cryosericota phylum nov., Ca. Cryosericia class nov., Ca. Cryosericales ord. nov., Ca. Cryosericaceae fam. nov., comprising the four species Cryosericum septentrionale gen. nov. sp. nov., Ca. C. hinesii sp. nov., Ca. C. odellii sp. nov., Ca. C. terrychapinii sp. nov. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 42(1), 54–66.
Priyam, A., Woodcroft, B. J., Rai, V., Moghul, I., Munagala, A., Ter, F., Chowdhary, H., Pieniak, I., Maynard, L. J., Gibbins, M. A., Moon, H., Davis-Richardson, A., Uludag, M., Watson-Haigh, N. S., Challis, R., Nakamura, H., Favreau, E., Gómez, E. A., Pluskal, T., Leonard, G., Rumpf, W., & Wurm, Y. (2019). Sequenceserver: A Modern Graphical User Interface for Custom BLAST Databases. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 36(12), 2922–2924.
Roux, S., Adriaenssens, E. M., Dutilh, B. E., Koonin, E. V., Kropinski, A. M., Krupovic, M., Kuhn, J. H., Lavigne, R., Brister, J. R., Varsani, A., Amid, C., Aziz, R. K., Bordenstein, S. R., Bork, P., Breitbart, M., Cochrane, G. R., Daly, R. A., Desnues, C., Duhaime, M. B., Emerson, J. B., Enault, F., Fuhrman, J. A., Hingamp, P., Hugenholtz, P., Hurwitz, B. L., Ivanova, N. N., Labonté, J. M., Lee, K.-B., Malmstrom, R. R., Martinez-Garcia, M., Mizrachi, I. K., Ogata, H., Páez-Espino, D., Petit, M.-A., Putonti, C., Rattei, T., Reyes, A., Rodriguez-Valera, F., Rosario, K., Schriml, L., Schulz, F., Steward, G. F., Sullivan, M. B., Sunagawa, S., Suttle, C. A., Temperton, B., Tringe, S. G., Thurber, R. V., Webster, N. S., Whiteson, K. L., Wilhelm, S. W., Wommack, K. E., Woyke, T., Wrighton, K. C., Yilmaz, P., Yoshida, T., Young, M. J., Yutin, N., Allen, L. Z., Kyrpides, N. C., & Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A. (2019). Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG). Nature Biotechnology, 37(1), 29–37.
Roux, S., Trubl, G., Goudeau, D., Nath, N., Couradeau, E., Ahlgren, N. A., Zhan, Y., Marsan, D., Chen, F., Fuhrman, J. A., Northen, T. R., Sullivan, M. B., Rich, V. I., Malmstrom, R. R., & Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A. (2019). Optimizing de novo genome assembly from PCR-amplified metagenomes. PeerJ, 7, e6902.
Tfaily, M. M., Wilson, R. M., Brewer, H. M., Chu, R. K., Heyman, H. M., Hoyt, D. W., Kyle, J. E., & Purvine, S. O. (2019). Single-throughput complementary high-resolution analytical techniques for characterizing complex natural organic matter mixtures. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (143).
Trubl, G., Roux, S., Solonenko, N., Li, Y.-F., Bolduc, B., Rodríguez-Ramos, J., Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A., Rich, V. I., & Sullivan, M. B. (2019). Towards optimized viral metagenomes for double-stranded and single-stranded DNA viruses from challenging soils. PeerJ, 7, e7265.
Wilson, R. M., Neumann, R. B., Crossen, K. B., Raab, N. M., Hodgkins, S. B., Saleska, S. R., Bolduc, B., Woodcroft, B. J., Tyson, G. W., Chanton, J. P., & Rich, V. I. (2019). Microbial community analyses inform geochemical reaction network models for predicting pathways of greenhouse gas production. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 59.
Hutchins, D. A., Jansson, J. K., Remais, J. V., Rich, V. I., Singh, B. K., & Trivedi, P. (2019). Climate change microbiology — problems and perspectives. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 17(6), 391–396.
Jang, H. B., Bolduc, B., Zablocki, O., Kuhn, J. H., Roux, S., Adriaenssens, E. M., Brister, J. R., Kropinski, A. M., Krupovic, M., Lavigne, R., Turner, D., & Sullivan, M. B. (2019). Taxonomic assignment of uncultivated prokaryotic virus genomes is enabled by gene-sharing networks. Nature Biotechnology, 37, 632–639.
Jang, H. B., Bolduc, B., Zablocki, O., Kuhn, J., Roux, S., Adriaenssens, E., Brister, J. R., Kropinski, A., Krupovic, M., Turner, D., & Sullivan, M. (2019). Gene sharing networks to automate genome-based prokaryotic viral taxonomy. BioRxiv, preprint.
Jansen, J., Thornton, B. F., Cortes, A., Snöälv, J., Wik, M., MacIntyre, S., & Crill, P. M. (2019). Drivers of diffusive lake CH4 emissions on daily to multi-year time scales. Biogeosciences Discussions.
Jansen, J., Thornton, B. F., Jammet, M. M., Wik, M., Cortés, A., Friborg, T., MacIntyre, S., & Crill, P. M. (2019). Climate‐sensitive controls on large spring emissions of CH4 and CO2 from northern lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124(7), 2379–2399.
Smith, G. J., & Wrighton, K. C. (2019). Metagenomic approaches unearth methanotroph phylogenetic and metabolic diversity. In L. Chistoserdova (Ed.), Methylotrophs and Methylotroph Communities (Vol. 33, pp. 57–84). Caister Academic Press.


Boyd, J. A., Woodcroft, B. J., & Tyson, G. W. (2018). GraftM: a tool for scalable, phylogenetically informed classification of genes within metagenomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(10), e59.
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