16S rRNA gene sequence files and sizes (raw data): LakeSed_4_15_15_Undetermined_S0_L001_R1_001.fastq (6.8 GB) LakeSed_4_15_15_Undetermined_S0_L001_R2_001.fastq (6.8 GB) LakeSed_4_15_15_Undetermined_S0_L001_I1_001.fastq (1.6 GB) Mapping file (required for pulling 16S rRNA gene sequences from raw data, linked to OTU tables in paper): Abisko_lakes_mapping_file_Jan2020.xlsx (53 KB) Metagenomic data: Raw sequencing reads (6 files, forward and reverse reads for each of 3 metagenomes; sample IDs in the file names are as follows: IHD4 = Inre Harrsjon Middle core, 4 cm depth; IHS28 = Inre Harrsjon Edge core, 28 cm depth; MHS16 = Mellersta Harrsjon Edge core, 16 cm depth): IHD4_S4.1.fq.gz, IHD4_S4.2.fq.gz, IHS28_S29.1.fq.gz, IHS28_S29.2.fq.gz, MHS16_S3.1.fq.gz, and MHS16_S3.2.fq.gz Folder with bacterial genome bins (MAGs) and ancillary files (files for each MAG are in separate sub-folders) (2 GB): bacteria/ [Bin ID, i.e., bin_#] / [variety of files, including .fna of contigs, .faa of predicted proteins, .gbk GenBank file] Folder with archaeal genome bins (MAGs) and ancillary files (files for each MAG are in separate sub-folders) (89 MB): archaea/ [Bin ID, i.e., bin_#] / [variety of files, including .fna of contigs, .faa of predicted proteins, .gbk GenBank file] All scaffolds > 500 bp (1.3 GB): combined.scaffolds_500bp.fna